Have you ever found yourself breaking down because things are overwhelming and it’s finally coming to you that you need to flush your emotions out? Don’t worry, we’re on the same boat.
There are days where I think it’s always better to keep things to myself because confiding or venting to someone feels like a burden. I always end up bottling up my emotions, shoving it to the back of my head.. Thinking it’s the best way to deal with it, never knowing that it’s unhealthy and it’ll just backfire someday.
In reality, having someone who can listen to you pouring your heart out is the cure. If you have someone you can talk to or a shoulder to lean on, consider yourself lucky. But if you don’t feel comfortable talking it out, that’s fine too.. There are other ways to let out all those bottled up emotions.
Let’s unpack the situation.
What Happens When We Bottle Up Our Emotions Constantly

Learning how to express our emotions in a healthy manner can benefit you so much, especially in terms of relationships. However, being aware that you’re suppressing your feelings is also important firsthand. Why? Because there are consequences that come with when you keep your emotions bottled up.
When you avoid dealing with your feelings, these bottled-up sentiments begin to emerge from nowhere, leaving you feeling scared and nervous all of the time. Suppressing negative emotions might have a detrimental impact on more than only your long-term health. You may feel all sorts of negative emotions and it may even affect your physical health.
So How Do You Stop Bottling Up Your Emotions?

Learn how to quit suppressing how you feel before you have another breakdown. It may be difficult at first, but think of it as connecting with your true self and taking care of your mental health.
Expressing your feelings doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s only a struggle if you make it. Personally, I like to let go of my emotions through writing. It could be in my journal, my notes app, or anywhere. It makes me feel so much better knowing I can let out my emotions without anyone ever having to read, because it’s only exclusive to me. If you’re like me and you don’t feel comfortable sometimes talking to people about your feelings, go ahead and try writing.
There are lots of healthier ways on how you can stop bottling up your emotions. It can be done through dance, sports, art, or anyway you like. Hey, as long as you feel better right? Scream if you want to!
The Bottom Line..

It’s understandable to want to stop feeling miserable. Many individuals are terrified of addressing deep, overwhelming emotions, particularly those associated with unpleasant or unwelcome events. While it may seem contradictory, learning to embrace unpleasant emotions is beneficial to your emotional well-being over time.
Getting comfortable with your own feelings, especially the ones that don’t feel good, may help you negotiate life’s problems more successfully while also enhancing your connection with yourself and others.