What is Lockdown Anxiety?
People have been concerned about their mental well-being since lockdown began as a result of COVID-19, causing the feeling of anxiety to arise. Several measures have been adopted around the world to deal with the crisis. In the last few months, the population’s mental health has shifted dramatically.
Did you know..
Anxiety is one of the many concerns that practically everyone faces. Overthinking, worrying, being scared of the scenario, are also concerns. Individuals have been concerned as a result of their uneasiness and the constant inflow of various thoughts. Anxiety is a natural component of our existence, and it serves as a survival mechanism. Some anxiety is good and beneficial to our well-being.
Each individual has the right to worry and be nervous at such times, but it is also vital to keep the limit in mind. Excessive worry can be damaging when not addressed. Being confined to one’s home all of the time, unable to meet or see anyone, is a significant undertaking.
Why Do We Get Anxious When We Feel Trapped?

We tend to feel anxious and scared when we feel trapped. Whether in public situations, in our own headspace or even trapped in past experiences. It is only normal and human to feel anxious when going through these motions. This is because we have fears. Fear, stress and anxiety tend to occur when we deal with the unknown or uncertainty.
Our mind is capable of making us feel way more than anything else. Therefore when we have fears, we tend to overthink it. Once we start overthinking, anxiety creeps in and we feel trapped like there is no escape. We are more or less trapped in our own heads.
Keep in mind..
However, with regards to the pandemic, it is normal to feel anxious when you are staying at home too much. It is also understandable that fears can increase during this pandemic. Due to our fears of what is going on in the outside world, and the idea of being left behind from things. Some may even experience separation anxiety from the ones they love during the pandemic, causing them to feel anxious as they are trapped in their own space.
Sometimes all we need is for someone to be there for us whenever we feel this way.
Signs You Are Suffering From Lockdown Anxiety

COVID-19 has had a negative impact on people mentally, as well as their physical being, given the current condition of affairs in the country. At times like these, many people tend to get anxiety or even panic attacks just thinking about COVID.
COVID-19 anxiety syndrome is a new disorder characterized by obsessive symptom checking and aversion to leaving the house, even when the risks to one’s health are minimal.
If you think you are going through anxiety caused by the pandemic, here are some of the signs to look out for:
1. News About The Pandemic Causes You Uneasiness
Especially in Brunei, we tend to be attentive when the Ministry of Health posts their schedule for the COVID-19 press conference, almost daily. Due to the increase in cases with restrictions being implemented through the conference, this can unconsciously strike anxiety to some.
Along with the rise in viral messages that are mostly untrue, this could lead to public chaos and worry in the long run. A large quantity of misinformation, much of it nasty, is circulating on social media, and we need to be wary enough to not quickly believe in such things unless guaranteed by the Ministry of Health itself.
2. Finding it Hard to Sleep
People have found their sleep disturbed more than usual since the existence of the pandemic. This could include sleep problems, waking up at night and terrible dreams. These may be because of fear caused by lockdown. For instance, because of worrying about health or finances, you might have problems falling asleep.
Simply put, an increasing number of people are suffering from sleeplessness. With the pandemic existing for 2 years, months of social isolation have shaken our daily routines, obliterated work-life boundaries, and added persistent unpredictability to our lives all with devastating sleep implications. It may have a negative impact on our health and productivity.
Have a read at our article that covers sleeping in depth and how you can also be the boss at falling asleep properly!
3. Change in Diet or Habits
Many people have gained weight while on lockdown as a result of a lack of activity or an increase in binge eating as a coping technique. There are also people who have started a diet or increased their level of physical activity. Conversely, if your diet and fitness habits have altered to the point that you’ve gained or lost a considerable amount of weight over the months of isolation, and your habits have become compulsive, anxiety could be the reason.
4. Constantly Worrying About What’s to Come
Even if you aren’t in the midst of a pandemic, it’s reasonable to be concerned about the future. However, if your tension or stress is causing you to feel depressed or interfering with your daily activities, it might be a symptom of anxiety.
Here’s What You Can Do To Reduce Your Anxiety..

If you’re scratching your head right now, not knowing how to deal with your anxiety, fret not! We got your back!
1. Practice Some Yoga
Since the “partial” lockdown started in Brunei, the writer has been practicing yoga every morning. Skeptical about the benefits of yoga at first, but definitely shocked about the calmness it brings after a few days practicing.
Yoga is not only good for the body but also for your mental being. As you practice your breathing with your movements, you start to focus on yourself. When you focus on yourself, nothing can beat that feeling of self-love.
2. Engage with Light Workouts
If yoga isn’t your thing, that’s fine too! Sometimes to cope with anxiety is keeping yourself busy, rather than giving in to your anxiety. You can try doing light workouts or as small as stretching your body. There are tons of easy doable workout videos available on Youtube! Here are some you can try out:
Remember, it is also important for you to stay healthy during these times. There is definitely no harm in trying anything!
3. Draw something!
Art therapy, or expression of thoughts through art, has also been shown to be therapeutic.
Drawing, or sketching can be a method of expressing oneself via art. It doesn’t need to be a Picasso-like drawing. It can also be as simple as doodling whatever comes to mind; scribbling on a blank paper/canvas, going wherever your finger takes you. The best part is, your drawing doesn’t even have to make sense! It is also a joyful manner that cannot be disputed.
And, without denying anything, individuals can pursue their interests and make the most of them, particularly to keep themselves occupied. If you would like to explore more on drawing to reduce anxiety, click here.
4. Listen to Music
There is no doubt that music can reduce your anxiety. Ofcourse, given that you listen to the right song that makes you feel at ease! Music is a good companion when the thoughts in your head get louder. Not only that, music can help you focus on doing certain activities. Such as when you’re working from home, working out, or when you’re doing chores. Give it a try!
A few songs that helps the writer reduces her anxiety would be:
- Earth, Wind & Fire – Let’s Groove
- Bee Gees – More Than A Woman
- The 1975 – This Must Be My Dream
- Ruel & Cosmo’s Midnight – Down For You

Keep in mind when you’re feeling anxious, it’s always fine to seek help. There is no shame in asking for help or wanting to be in the company of someone else, if it makes you feel better.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, ring Talian Harapan (145). Importantly, rest confident that the worry will pass for the majority of individuals and will fade with time, especially once the virus has been managed.
We’re in this together 🙂