A Scientific Deep Dive into Fasting: 5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Trying It Out Today!

Fasting is often thought to be a fat loss silver bullet. BUT did you know, it also does other wonders for your body more than just losing weight? Here, I’m about to tell you why and how fasting benefits you – spiritually, physically and mentally. If you’ve always wanted to try out fasting, I’m sure you’ll be convinced after reading!

So what exactly are the other benefits of fasting in a more scientific approach?

1. It’s Good For Your Heart

Fasting on a regular basis has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, triglyceride, weight, and blood sugar levels. It also affects the circulating blood cholesterol levels of a person. Why is this so?

Well, when you fast, it decreases the density of “bad” cholesterol present in your body and changes the way we metabolize sugar. Both of these are great at reducing your risk of gaining weight and developing diabetes, which are both risk factors for heart diseases.

2. Fasting Can Fight Inflammation In Your Body

Inflammation is your body’s defense mechanism against infection, disease, and damage. However, there is another sort of inflammation: chronic inflammation, which can cause heart disease and diabetes asymptomatically. Common risk factors include smoking, mental stress, and a diet high in fatty, fried, or sugary foods. 

The practice of intermittent fasting has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory impact. Thus, lowering the risk of certain metabolic illnesses and even improving lung function in persons with asthma. Basically, you don’t even have to fast the every day to receive the benefit! Doing it consistently over a period of time also works. 

3. Fasting For a “Soul Cleanse”

The spiritual advantages of fasting are frequently identical to those of fasting for nutritional gains. It allows your body to relax and repair by abstaining from meals and taking a “vacation” away from constantly ingesting. Fasting reminds you of the link between your body’s vessel and your soul as you go through dealing with your desires. By giving yourself permission to take an unconventional break, it envelopes you a “spiritually-cleansing” feel throughout your mind and body.

Without the distraction of bodily wants, the results of spiritual fasting will improve your consciousness. Your mind will become clear and you’ll be able let go of the oppressive thoughts that have been dragging you down.

4. Give You Time to Appreciate Your Body More

You will develop a higher respect for your body while you fast. On a normal basis, people aren’t always mindful of what they put in their body. It’s easy to forget how hard damaging that can be for our body. You most likely do not consume the healthiest diet, nor exercise on a regular basis. Yet, even through all that, your body continues to function. It manages to handle all of the poisons and processed foods that you feed it without skipping a (heart)beat.

When you fast, it reminds you of how much your body can accomplish even after being deprived of the daily routine intake of food. People often claim that they feel energized and feel revitalized when fasting compared to their regular self. I believe that’s the benefit that comes when you stop easting processed food needlessly. It really makes you appreciate this body that you’ve taken for granted.

5. Your Mental Function Changes

When you fast, your body’s harmful components circulate less freely through the blood and lymphatic system, making your mind sharper. During a fast, the energy typically needed to digest food becomes accessible for utilization by the brain.

Since your body takes time to adjust, you may not feel this mental shift until the first few days of a fast. At the start, you may have headaches or pain spots. However, after your body has rid itself of toxins, your brain has access to a cleaner bloodstream. This results in clearer thinking, greater memory, and increased sharpness of your other senses to boot!

A Small Reminder...


Fasting is not just simply a weight loss tool nor is it a necessity for good health. In fact, not everyone is advised to fast due to various health situations. Even so, there are still millions of people fasting around the world for medical reasons, religion, to treat diseases, or even for spiritual healing. Whatever their reasons are, they fast because it makes them feel good!

So, if you want to start fasting, start slow. Just like when I was younger, I started off with a half-day fast, then to water fast, and then to a full day fast following my religious teachings. While at first it may feel like agony, your body can be quick to adapt and soon you’ll be reaping the benefits. Do your research about fasting and of course, to get a check up first to see if you are well enough before committing.

Happy fasting!

P.S. we at HTO, would like to take this chance to wish our Muslim readers a very blessed Ramadhan Mubarak! 😄

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