The connection or the bond that we have with our pets is undeniably a strong one. Whether you own a cat, dog, ferret, goldfish, a snake; there’s just something about them that generally makes us happier.
But really, what is it about them that makes us feel this way? Why is it hard for us to get moody when we’re around our pets? Is it because they’re all cute and cuddly? Or is there a scientific explanation behind this? Read on to find out!
How Pets Can Affect Your Mental Health

Animal parents are clear about the joys that their animal friends bring into their lives. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a dog or a cat! Sometimes even watching your pet fish eat makes you smile! However, not all of us are aware of the emotional and physical benefits when it comes to snuggling your pets..
Here’s why having pets can benefit your mental health!
Your Pet Can Improve Your Overall Health
If you don’t believe it, then you must definitely haven’t hugged a cat or a dog yet. Touching or petting an animal can soothe and calm you when you’re anxious because the act itself releases dopamine and even serotonin! Looking at our pets and laughing at their silly behaviour helps stimulate, and release our happy hormones.
Pet owners also tend to have better blood pressure levels than non-pet owners. In a study done where children with high blood pressure petted their dogs, their blood pressure levels tend to improve. This may be because blood pressure may be influenced by stress. In other words, having a pet reduces stress which in turn now reduces your blood pressure to healthy levels.
Pets Are Known To Absorb Negativity
Did you know your cat can absorb negativity? On a daily basis, all cats are enabled to eliminate stored bad energy from your body. They absorb it from your body as you sleep. If the family has more than one person and only one cat, it may build an overabundance of negativity from absorbing energy from so many individuals.
It is beneficial to have more than one cat in the home so that the load may be divided among them. They also keep an eye on you at night to ensure that no unwelcome spirits enter while you’re sleeping. That is why they enjoy sleeping on your bed. If they believe you are doing well, they will not sleep with you that night. If something weird is happening, they will all climb in bed with you and encircle you.
Pets Can Be Healers: Animal Therapy
Therapy animals have grown in popularity in recent years as the concept of receiving emotional support from a companion animal has gained acceptance. While therapy dogs are not a new notion, therapy cats too are just recently gaining popularity.
These animals are trained to offer emotional, physical, or medicinal care to those in need. They are also frequently used to give emotional support and comfort to persons struggling with impairments, ailments, or who are in great need of companionship. Effectiveness of animal therapy can be seen through those battling with various kinds of mental illness.
More on pet therapy here.
They Give You Unconditional Love
We tend to overlook how mental health can be improved simply by love, loved or loving. And that’s exactly what our pets can offer us. Take for example a cat, every cat is unique. But cat-people, in particular, cherish and celebrate their own personalities and quirks.
Pets benefit our mental health just by being pets. Their capacity to decrease stress, provide company, heal with purrs, and serve as therapy animals make them perfect mental health advocates. So, the next time your cat rubs up against you, give her a loving stroke and thank her for playing a role in keeping your mental health healthy.
You’ll Never Feel Lonely With Your Pet Around
Having pets can help cure loneliness, depressive and suicidal thoughts. They give you a sense of purpose to live for and shifts your focus to caring for the animal instead as it expands a lot of your energy.
Pets can also form a special bond with the owners which makes them more attuned to their emotions. Thus, making them easier to comfort the owners in times of hardship or stress. Vice versa for them to feel down if they lack care and attention.
Family Pets Can Benefit Those At Different Stages of Life Too

When children grow up with animals around them, it helps develop emotional and social skills such as anxiety management and being loving and sensitive to others. Taking care of pets is an excellent method to develop a sense of responsibility. There’s also evidence that animals might help lonely kids participate in social and physical activities.
Getting older is another moment when pets may improve our attitude and well-being. Cats and dogs offer much-needed social assistance to elderly individuals who live alone. Elderly persons who live with dogs are better able to manage daily chores and are more motivated to establish habits and get up early in the morning.
Considering Owning a Pet? Here are a few things to note!

There’s always an urge for individuals to own a pet because they’re cute, fluffy, small and precious looking! But often they forget about the aftercare and the costs that come with maintaining them. As your pets grow older and lose their cuteness, it doesn’t mean you should care for them less.
Taking care of an animal requires effort, time and your commitment. You have to make sure they are eating well, getting their routine grooming session, making sure they live in a proper condition and the list goes on. So it’s not something that you choose to do depending on your mood that day. It’s a huge commitment.
Lastly, and most importantly, try to adopt animals instead of buying them. There are plenty of places where you can look for animals that are up for adoption! If you’re in Brunei and considering adopting an animal, few places like Care and Actions for Strays or Paws Up can help you out with that!
In Loving Memory, Always In Our Hearts