5 Valid Reasons Why You Owe Yourself Some Alone Time Today

You might not realize this; if we’re not out with people.. We’re either texting, calling, emailing and the list goes on. We’re always socializing and the only time we get to recharge our social batteries is well, probably when we’re asleep. The need to socialize can be draining but what if you just stop to take a breather.. What if you took a step back from everything and spent some time alone? 

Taking some time alone to yourself does not necessarily mean isolating yourself towards complete loneliness. This is what confuses people most times. Spending time alone here means to simply recharge, finding solitude, having some down time. 

In time, you might just discover that having some alone time can be peaceful and a great addition to taking care of yourself. But lucky for you, I’m here to convince you why you should try taking some time alone to yourself! And here’s a few reasons why..

1. You Finally Have Time For You

Isn’t this just the best? Finally having some me time and getting most of your postponed activities done? Sometimes you can never find the time to get your personal things completed because things are always in the way. But having some time alone just gives you the flexibility to do so! Try it *wink* 

2. Increasing the Risk of a Burnout

Overworking yourself is something today’s society tends to normalize. Overworking and being hardworking are two different things. I think it’s important we learn how to take a break and be kinder to our body, letting our mind rest and avoid falling into a burnout. And what happens when you don’t take a breather? You feel burnt out. Your body is giving you signs that you’re pushing too much and that you deserve a break.

3. You Build Mindfulness

Being alone gives you the opportunity to practice mindfulness through being present in the moment by meditating and breathing. You start to be more conscious of your feelings and emotions, overall improving your mental health. 

Because when you’re constantly moving and onto something, you never get to give your brain a break to rest and replenish itself. And being alone gives you the chance to do so; to declutter your mind, concentrate better, increase self-awareness and so on. A chance for your mind and body to refresh.

4. Helps to Improve Your Relationship With Others

You’re more likely to make better decisions about who you want to be around if you spend time with yourself and develop a deeper knowledge of who you are and what you want in life. You may also start to value your connections more after some alone time. 

It will also help you strengthen your most essential connection: your relationship with yourself. Spending time with someone is the greatest way of getting to know them. The same holds true for learning to know oneself.

5. You Sort Your Problems Out Easier

Simply sitting down and thinking about an issue, what caused it, and how to best handle it, may result in highly effective solutions. Even if a solution is not forthcoming, simply taking the time to think things through and properly comprehend the situation can offer tranquillity and a certain fortitude to keep on.

Few Ways To Make Room For ‘Alone Time’


Now that’s out of the way, you must be wondering if there’s a way to spend some time alone without feeling lonely. Is it possible? Yes! Of course it is. 

  • Learn to disconnect from technology
  • Make plans to have free time to yourself
  • Learn to say no and put yourself first when it comes to doing something
  • Wake up earlier if you’re busy the whole day, this way you have a free window to yourself 
  • Make it a priority to give your body a rest 

Something To Remember


Spending time alone may be really helpful, whether you’re an ambivert like myself who needs some alone time or simply want some peace and quiet. Take this as proof that you’re not alone. Making being alone into something comforting is only the first step toward normalizing such feelings. So, go ahead and spend some time by yourself. You’ll be glad you did it.

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